“My greatest skill in life has been to want but little ”
— Henry David Thoreau
Simplified Meaning:
When someone says they have been good at wanting only a few things, it means they find happiness in the simple things and do not need a lot to feel satisfied. For example, imagine a person who doesn't crave expensive gadgets, big houses, or fancy vacations. Instead, they are happiest with a cozy home, good food, and time with family and friends. This way of thinking helps them avoid stress and disappointment because they don't always chase after more or bigger things. By appreciating and wanting less, they enjoy what they have more fully. This approach brings peace and contentment to their everyday life. If you try to follow this idea, you might find that you also feel more content and less stressed about needing more things to be happy.
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Contentment Fulfillment Gratitude Humility Inner peace Life philosophy Minimalism Moderation Self-awareness SimplicityFEATURED QUOTES