"عندما تسير الأمور بشكل جيد، من الصعب أن تتخيل أنها قد تسوء يومًا ما. وعندما تسير الأمور بشكل سيء، من الصعب أن تتخيل أنها قد تتحسن مرة أخرى."
— Howard S. Marks
Simplified Meaning:
When life is good, it's easy to forget that things can get tough again. You might feel like everything will always be happy and smooth. On the other hand, when you're having a rough time, it can feel like the bad times will never end. For instance, think about a student who always gets good grades. They might not even consider failing a test. But if that same student has a really hard exam and gets a bad grade, they might think they'll never do well again. The lesson here is to remember that life has ups and downs. Always stay ready for changes and don’t lose hope when things get tough.