"Soy lo que soy y no me avergüenzo. Nunca te avergüences mi viejo papá solía decir hay algunos que lo usarán en tu contra pero no valen la pena."
— J.K. Rowling
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about being proud of who you are and not feeling embarrassed about it. It suggests that being true to yourself is important, even if some people don't accept you for it. For example, imagine you love painting, but some people make fun of your artwork. The advice here would be to keep painting and ignore their negative comments because those people aren't worth your time and energy. This idea is similar to famous people in history who followed their passions despite criticism, like Vincent van Gogh, who continued to paint despite being misunderstood by many during his lifetime. By embracing your true self and not trying to hide it, you'll attract friends and opportunities that are right for you. It teaches that self-acceptance is more valuable than the approval of others who don't understand or appreciate you.