“Little by little, one travels far.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien
Simplified Meaning:
Making small steps consistently over time can lead to achieving big goals. Imagine you're trying to learn to play the piano. At first, you might only know a few notes, but you practice a little bit every day. After a few months, you start to play entire songs well. This shows that even though you began slowly, your daily practice helped you improve a lot. This idea also works with other goals, like getting in shape. If you exercise just a little each day, like walking or doing a few push-ups, you might not see changes immediately. However, over weeks and months, your body becomes stronger and healthier. It's the same with saving money. Putting aside just a small amount regularly can eventually lead you to have a good amount of savings. So, whatever you aim to do, remember that making a little effort every day can help you reach your big dreams. You don’t need to make huge changes all at once; small, consistent actions will lead you far.