“The best defense is a good offense”
— Jack Dempsey
Simplified Meaning:
When you take the initiative and act confidently, you are less likely to face problems or threats. Think of it like this: in sports, instead of just trying to prevent the other team from scoring, it’s better to focus on scoring points yourself. This way, you keep the other team busy defending themselves. For instance, if you're worried about someone blaming you for a mistake at work, you could proactively show how you've been successful in your job and how you've fixed past problems. This approach shows that you’re on top of things and makes it harder for others to criticize you. So, by being proactive and doing your best from the start, you make it easier to handle challenges that come your way.
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Competition Defense Military Offense Planning Preparedness Proactivity Sports Strategy TacticsFEATURED QUOTES