“My kingdom is not of this world If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders But now my kingdom is from another place”
— Jesus Christ
Simplified Meaning:
This quote points out that the speaker’s realm or area of authority is not part of the physical world where we live. If it were, the people who serve him would have fought against his capture to protect him. This implies that his power and influence come from a different, non-earthly realm. To explain this further, think about a situation in history where a powerful leader faced arrest or attack. Usually, their supporters would defend them physically to stop the arrest. But in this case, the leader is conveying that his power and the loyalty of his followers stem from a spiritual or divine source, rather than political or military strength. For example, if someone strongly believes in their inner peace and personal values, they may not engage in physical fights to defend those beliefs. Instead, their strength comes from within, not from physical force. Applying this idea, we might choose to handle conflicts calmly and peacefully, focusing on our inner strength and values rather than resorting to aggression.