"Travaillez plus dur sur vous-même que sur votre travail"
— Jim Rohn
Simplified Meaning:
Improving yourself is more important than just focusing on your daily tasks at work. For example, imagine two people, both working the same job. One spends extra time learning new skills, reading books, and exercising, while the other only does what's required at work. The first person will grow and become better overall, which can lead to more job opportunities, better health, and a happier life. By investing in personal growth, such as developing your character, learning new things, and maintaining good health, you enhance every part of your life. So, while it's important to do your job well, putting effort into becoming a better person can bring bigger and more lasting benefits.
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Career advice Inner work Inspiration Motivation Personal development Professional growth Self-growth Self-improvement Work ethicFEATURED QUOTES