"هناك 86400 ثانية في اليوم الأمر متروك لك لتقرر ما يجب فعله بها"
— Jim Valvano
Simplified Meaning:
Every day, we get 86,400 seconds to use as we want. Just like having money to spend, it's up to us to use our time wisely. Imagine getting 86,400 dollars each day and knowing it would disappear if you didn't spend it by the end of the day. You would probably try to make the most out of it, right? Similarly, each second we have can be spent doing something: learning, working, resting, or helping others. Think about how you spend your time. Are you using your seconds to do things that matter to you and make you happy? It's important to remember that once the day is over, those seconds are gone forever and can't be saved for later. By planning and being mindful, we can make sure we're using our time in meaningful ways that bring us closer to our goals and improve our lives.