"الممثلون هنا لأداء وظائف مختلفة في أماكن مختلفة في المجتمع، لذلك كلما زادت الأماكن التي أستطيع أن أكون فيها، زادت سعادتي."
— Jodie Foster
Simplified Meaning:
People who act in movies, plays, or television shows have to take on many different roles and scenarios. Just like how a teacher has to be understanding and knowledgeable, or a doctor needs to be compassionate and skilled, actors must adapt to various characters and situations. The more variety an actor experiences in their roles, the more they enjoy their work. Consider an actor who plays a doctor in one show and then a superhero in another. Each role brings new experiences and challenges. This variety keeps the job exciting and interesting for the actor. Similarly, in our daily lives, trying new activities or exploring different roles can make us happier and more fulfilled. For example, someone might work as a teacher during the week and volunteer at an animal shelter on weekends. By doing different things, we can discover new passions and stay energized. This mindset helps us grow and enjoy life to the fullest.