"إذا لم تُعطَ الاهتمام المناسب فإن الحقيقة ستزول دائمًا"
— Jose Saramago
Simplified Meaning:
When we ignore the truth or don't care about it, it can get lost or forgotten. This means that if people don't make an effort to find out what's true or to share the truth with others, it can disappear. Think about someone telling a lie about another person, saying they did something bad when they didn't. If no one steps up to correct the lie with the real facts, then people will believe the lie, and the truth will be left behind. The same thing can happen with important events in history; if we don't remember the real story and talk about it, the truth can fade away. To avoid this, we should always look for the real facts, share them, and keep them alive in our discussions. This way, we help make sure the truth doesn't die out or get ignored.