"دیگر در پشتم جا برای چاقوی بیشتر نیست. اگر قرار است به من ضربه بزنی، باید هنگام انجام دادن این کار در چشمانم نگاه کنی."
— Kalen Dion
Simplified Meaning:
This quote speaks about betrayal and the preference for honesty over deceit. Imagine a situation where a friend has repeatedly let you down, always talking behind your back or betraying your trust. The quote suggests that the person has endured so much betrayal ("knives in the back") that they can no longer tolerate any more hurtful actions done secretly or behind their back. Instead, if anyone has bad intentions, they should be honest and confront them directly, face-to-face. For example, if a coworker keeps undermining you to your boss without your knowledge, it would be less painful if they at least had the courage to discuss their issues with you openly. This way, you can address the problem head-on rather than being silently harmed. Applying this to your life, you should prefer straightforward and honest communication, even when it’s about something negative, over sneaky or underhanded actions. Confronting problems directly can lead to better understanding and resolution, preventing the ongoing hurt of hidden betrayals.