"Il est juste de parler de la maternité comme d'une chose merveilleuse, mais nous devons également parler de ses stress et difficultés. Il est normal de ne pas trouver cela facile, et demander de l'aide ne devrait pas être vu comme un signe de faiblesse."
— Kate Middleton
Simplified Meaning:
Being a mom is often described as a beautiful and fulfilling experience, but it's important to acknowledge that it's also very challenging. Taking care of a child comes with a lot of hard work, sleepless nights, and emotional stress. Everyone struggles sometimes, and it's normal to not have everything under control. Just like when someone has a tough time at work and needs support from a coworker, moms should feel free to ask for help from family and friends. This doesn't make them weak; it shows they are human and need a little assistance. Sharing the ups and downs makes it easier for everyone to understand and support each other.
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Asking for help Balance Challenges Mental health Motherhood Parenting Stress Support Well-beingFEATURED QUOTES