“I've been called a recluse just because I don't socialize with others in the industry”
— Kendrick Lamar
Simplified Meaning:
When people call someone a recluse, they mean that person doesn't go out much and stays away from social activities. In this case, the person is saying they are labeled as a recluse simply because they choose not to hang out with others in their work field. It’s not that they hate people or are unfriendly; they just prefer to spend their time differently. For example, imagine a talented artist who loves painting. Instead of going to art parties or galleries to network, they spend most of their time alone in their studio creating new pieces. They might get called a loner or recluse by others who think socializing is a big part of being successful in the art world. However, this artist might believe their best work is done in solitude and feel happy and content with their choice. People can use this idea in their own lives by understanding that it's okay to prioritize what makes them happy, even if it means not fitting into social norms or expectations. What matters most is that they are comfortable with their way of living.