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Kim Kardashian Quotes

"Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would, but that's OK""At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we're going through""I always put my clothes and shoes that I don't need or want anymore in the guest room""I don't talk about money""I feel like success is really consistency over a long period of time""I will always believe you shouldn't be proud of wealth; Do the best you can, find your passion and your community will help to support you in going after that you want and living your true self""You never know what the future holds, but I hope we’re all doing more""I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised""I learn from everything I do""It's fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you""I'm a firm believer in if you don’t see it, that doesn’t mean it’s not there""If you put that effort in, you'll get what you want""It's so important to insist on being yourself""You can use the negative energy that comes at you to build something positive""I think you have different soulmates throughout your life"
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