“I will always believe you shouldn't be proud of wealth; Do the best you can, find your passion and your community will help to support you in going after that you want and living your true self”
— Kim Kardashian
Simplified Meaning:
Money shouldn't be something we show off or feel superior about. Instead of focusing on becoming rich, it's more important to put in your best effort and find what you love doing. When you do, the people around you will recognize this passion and will want to help you succeed. Imagine if you’re really good at painting and you work hard to get better every day. Your friends and family will see this dedication and they might spread the word, help you find art shows to display your work, or even buy your paintings. By following what you truly care about, you don't need to rely on wealth to find happiness or success – the support and encouragement from your community will help you live an fulfilling life.
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Community Fulfillment Inspiration Life advice Passion Purpose Self-belief Support True self WealthFEATURED QUOTES