"دائماً أضع ملابسي وأحذيتي التي لم أعد أحتاجها أو أرغب بها في غرفة الضيوف"
— Kim Kardashian
Simplified Meaning:
When someone says they always put their old clothes and shoes in the guest room, it means they've found a specific place to store things they no longer use. It’s like having a special box where you keep your old toys or items until you decide what to do with them. Imagine you have a drawer in your house where you put all your old games. This drawer becomes the holding place for things you don’t need right now, but maybe someone else can use. In a broader sense, this idea helps to keep your main living space organized and clutter-free. Instead of letting old items pile up where you live or work, you give them a dedicated space. This practice makes your environment cleaner and less stressful. You can apply this by designating a spot in your home to put things you no longer need, so you later can decide to donate, recycle, or throw them away. It’s all about maintaining order and making future decisions easier.