"Vous pouvez faire beaucoup avec la diplomatie, mais avec la diplomatie soutenue par la force vous pouvez accomplir beaucoup plus."
— Kofi Annan
Simplified Meaning:
Talking things out and being polite can help you solve many problems and make agreements. However, if you also show that you have the strength or ability to use force if necessary, people are more likely to take you seriously and agree to what you want. Imagine a teacher who needs the class to calm down. She can ask nicely, and many students will listen because they respect her. But if she also has the power to give detention to those who misbehave, students are more likely to follow her instructions quickly because they don't want to get into trouble. In history, nations often use this combination to get better deals or prevent wars. They engage in peaceful talks but keep their military ready to show that they're serious. In your own life, think of being a good negotiator at work who also has a strong performance record. People are more likely to agree with your ideas if they know you are good at your job and can bring valuable contributions to the team. So, it's beneficial to be good at talking and making deals, but it's even better if you have something strong to back you up.