"Cuando vives tu vida de diferentes maneras, hace que las personas a tu alrededor se sientan incómodas"
— Larry Ellison
Simplified Meaning:
People might feel uneasy or unsure when someone around them behaves differently from what they expect. For example, if everyone at work follows a strict routine but one person tries new methods, it can make others nervous because it's unfamiliar. Similarly, in a family where everyone eats meat, a person becoming a vegetarian might cause tension because it challenges the usual habits. This reaction occurs because humans generally prefer predictability and get unsettled by changes or differences in behavior. However, it's important to stay true to yourself. By living authentically, despite making others uncomfortable initially, you might inspire them to be more open-minded and accepting of new ideas.
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Conformity Discomfort Freedom of expression Individuality Living authentically Nonconformity Personal choices Social norms Societal expectations UniquenessFEATURED QUOTES