"لا أريد أن يُطلق علي اسم حارس نقطة، لكن لا أستطيع توقيف ذلك."
— Lebron James
Simplified Meaning:
The speaker is saying they don't like being labeled as a point guard, but they have no control over what others call them. It's like if you're really good at cooking, some people might always call you 'the chef' even if you don't see yourself that way or if cooking is just a hobby. This label might stick regardless of how you feel about it. People sometimes see us in one role or position because that's what they associate us with, and it can be hard to change their perception. For instance, if you are the one in your group of friends who always organizes outings, they might start seeing you as the 'planner.' Even if you don't want to take on that role every time, their view of you might not change easily. In life, it's important to understand that while you might not always control how others see you, you can decide for yourself what roles and labels you accept and identify with.