"あなたがやりたいことをしている人々 - あなたの分野のトップにいる人々、あなたが尊敬している人々 - は皆、あなたが今いるところからスタートしました。彼らも皆、自分なりの試練や障害を持っていました。彼らとあなたとの唯一の違いは、彼らの粘り強さです。"
— Les Brown
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine you want to become a famous chef. The top chefs you admire didn’t start as experts. They began just like you, with no special skills or big opportunities. They also faced many challenges like cooking disasters or tough critics. The key thing that sets them apart is that they never gave up. They kept learning, practicing, and improving their cooking every day. If you keep trying, stay dedicated, and push through difficult times, you can also reach those same heights.