“All men are made one for another; either then teach them better or bear with them.”
— Marcus Aurelius
Simplified Meaning:
We are all part of one big human family, and we need to find ways to get along. If someone is behaving badly or doesn't know something, we can try to help them learn and improve. For example, if a friend makes a mistake, maybe because they don't know better, we can gently show them the right way to do things. On the other hand, if we can't change their behavior, we should be patient and tolerant towards them. It's like when a little sibling keeps bothering you; instead of getting mad, you either teach them what's right or you accept they're still learning and let it go. This helps everyone live together more peacefully and kindly.
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Compassion Humanity Marcus aurelius Patience Philosophy Stoicism Teaching Understanding Virtue WisdomFEATURED QUOTES