"L'étude de l'amour et de son utilisation nous conduira à la source d'où il jaillit, L'Enfant."
— Maria Montessori
Simplified Meaning:
Understanding love deeply and knowing how to use it can help us realize that the purest form of love comes from a child. Children show love in the most genuine, open-hearted way without any conditions. For example, think about how a little child hugs you tightly without any reason, just because they feel like it. They don’t expect anything in return; they give love freely. If we learn from this and apply it to our lives, it can change how we treat others. Instead of having hidden motives or strings attached to our affection, we can love more sincerely and truly. This means being kind and caring simply because we want to make others happy, not because we want something from them. By adopting a childlike approach to love, we can build stronger, more genuine relationships.