"أحياناً تتفكك الأمور لكي تجتمع الأشياء الأفضل معا."
— Marilyn Monroe
Simplified Meaning:
When things in life don't go as planned or seem to break down, it can feel very upsetting. However, these difficult moments often make way for new and better opportunities. For example, imagine losing a job that you liked. At first, it could seem like a disaster. But this unexpected change might give you the push to find a new job that you enjoy even more and that suits you much better. It’s like needing to clear out old, broken furniture to make room for nicer and more comfortable pieces. So, even when things seem bad, they can lead to positive changes and improvements in your life. The key is to stay hopeful and open to new possibilities when things don't go as expected.
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Change Growth Inspiration Motivation New beginnings Optimism Overcoming Positivity Resilience TransformationFEATURED QUOTES