"أحيانًا يكون من الصعب أن تترك نفسك خلفك وتضع نفسك مكان شخص آخر."
— Mark Wahlberg
Simplified Meaning:
It can be really difficult to see things from another person's perspective and understand what they are going through. Imagine you have a friend who is really upset because they lost their job. You might want to tell them to cheer up and look for another job, but if you truly try to imagine how losing a job feels, you'll understand why they're so sad and stressed. Everybody's feelings and experiences are different, and it's not always easy to forget your own thoughts and feelings to understand someone else's situation. It's important to try because it helps you become more empathetic and supportive. When you make the effort to put yourself in someone else's position, you can be a better friend, partner, or family member.
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Compassion Emotional intelligence Empathy Human connection Identity Mindfulness Personal growth Self-awareness UnderstandingFEATURED QUOTES