“God is at home; it is we who have gone out for a walk”
— Meister Eckhart
Simplified Meaning:
The quote is saying that a sense of peace, comfort, or connection with something greater is always available, like a safe place to return to. However, it is often us who get distracted or wander away from this feeling. Think about how a child playing outside might forget to come back home when it gets dark. The home represents safety and love, but the child can get lost in the excitement of the outside world and lose track of time. In our daily lives, this means that sometimes we get too caught up in work, stress, or other activities, and we forget to pause and reconnect with what makes us feel grounded and at peace. Imagine someone constantly checking emails and feeling overwhelmed. If they stop and take a moment to meditate, pray, or just sit quietly, they might feel calmer and more centered. So, it's important to remember that peace and connection are always there, like a home base. We just need to take the time to return to that place amidst our busy lives. This can help us feel more balanced and less stressed.