"القراءة أسرع من الاستماع. الفعل أسرع من المشاهدة."
— Naval Ravikant
Simplified Meaning:
Reading allows you to get information quickly because you can scan the text and pick out important details faster than if someone were talking to you. When you listen to someone, you have to wait for them to slowly say each word, which takes more time. For example, if you want to learn how to cook a new recipe, you could read the recipe in a few minutes, while listening to someone explain it step-by-step on a video might take longer. On the other hand, actually doing something yourself is a quicker way to learn than just watching someone else do it. If you watch a video of someone riding a bike, you'll get an idea of how it's done. But if you get on a bike and start pedaling, you'll pick up the skill much faster. Applying this to daily life, if you want to get good at something, jump in and start practicing instead of just observing others. This hands-on experience helps you learn and remember better.