"الكون ليس ملزمًا بأن يكون منطقيًا لك."
— Neil deGrasse Tyson
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, things happen in life that we can't understand or explain. For example, you might face challenges, like losing a job or dealing with an unexpected illness, and wonder why it's happening to you. This can be frustrating because we naturally want to find reasons or look for patterns. Consider when you watch a sunset. It's beautiful and feels significant, but that doesn't mean it happens for you personally – it’s just part of nature. In life, events occur that are outside our control or comprehension, just like the sunset. They don't always have a clear reason or logic behind them that we can easily grasp. Accepting that not everything will make sense can help reduce stress and frustration. Instead of demanding answers that may not exist, focus on what you can control and learn from each experience. This mindset can lead to greater peace and resilience.