"Los hombres en general juzgan más por las apariencias que por la realidad. Todos los hombres tienen ojos, pero pocos tienen el don de la penetración."
— Niccolo Machiavelli
Simplified Meaning:
People often make decisions based on what they see on the surface, rather than digging deeper to understand the true nature of things. It's like judging a book by its cover; many will assume the story inside is just as appealing or unappealing as the cover design suggests. For example, in a job interview, a candidate wearing professional attire and speaking confidently might be assumed to be more competent, even if another less polished candidate has better skills. Most people rely on first impressions and appearances because it’s easier and quicker than taking the time to investigate the details. Only a few take the effort to look beyond what is obvious and discover the true character or quality of something or someone. To apply this idea, when meeting new people or evaluating situations, try to look past initial appearances. Take the time to ask questions and listen carefully, as this can reveal much more about a person or situation than you first perceive.