"عليك أن تجد ما يُشعل الضوء في داخلك حتى تتمكن بطريقتك الخاصة من إنارة العالم."
— Oprah Winfrey
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about discovering what you are passionate about or what makes you excited and joyful. When you find this passion or interest, it gives you energy and makes you shine. This positive energy can then be shared with others, making the world a better place. For example, if someone loves painting, their artwork might inspire or bring happiness to many people. The advice here is to take time to figure out what you love to do. Once you know, focus on it, and by doing so, you can positively impact those around you. Finding and following your passion not only makes you happy but also helps others.
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Illumination Inner light Inspiration Motivation Passion Personal growth Positive impact Purpose Self-discovery Self-improvementFEATURED QUOTES