"أحبك دون أن أعرف كيف، أو متى، أو من أين. أحبك ببساطة، دون مشاكل أو كبرياء: أحبك بهذه الطريقة لأني لا أعرف طريقة أخرى للحب غير هذه، التي لا يوجد فيها أنا أو أنت، حميمة جدًا لدرجة أن يدك على صدري هي يدي، حميمة جدًا لدرجة أنه عندما أغفو تغلق عيناك."
— Pablo Neruda
Simplified Meaning:
Loving someone deeply means not having to know the reasons or origins of that love. It isn't about timelines or conditions; it's simple and pure. Imagine being so close to someone that there are no barriers between you, and you feel like one single entity. This kind of love is effortless and doesn't involve pride or personal issues. For example, think of a mother and her child: they share a bond so strong that the mother instinctively understands and fulfills the child's needs without a second thought. Someone can apply this idea by embracing unconditional love in their relationships, focusing on being truly connected and supportive without overthinking it.
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Deep connection Intimacy Love Passion Romantic Selflessness Simplicity Soulmates Unconditional love UnityFEATURED QUOTES