"اگر دارید پوکر بازی میکنید و دور میز را نگاه میکنید و نمیتوانید بفهمید که چه کسی سادهلوح است، آن شخص شمایید"
— Paul Newman
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine you are playing a game where everyone is trying to win by outsmarting the others. In this game, there’s often one person who isn’t as good, and everyone else can see them making mistakes. If you can’t figure out who that person is, it means you might be the one who is not as good at the game without realizing it. Think about a group project in school where everyone has to contribute. Usually, there's one person who doesn't do much work, and everyone notices and ends up covering for them. Now, if you can’t tell who that person is in your group, maybe you are the one not contributing enough, and others are picking up the slack. To take this advice, always be aware of your own skills and weaknesses in any situation. If you don’t want to be the one falling behind without noticing, keep improving yourself and pay close attention to how others see you. This way, you can be more prepared, make better decisions, and avoid being taken advantage of.