“Few people outside the Telegram fan community realize that most of the new features in messaging appear on Telegram first, and are then carbon-copied by WhatsApp down to the tiniest details”
— Pavel Durov
Simplified Meaning:
People who aren't part of the Telegram user group often don't know that Telegram introduces many new messaging features before WhatsApp does. WhatsApp then adopts these features exactly as they are. Imagine a new restaurant that starts offering a special kind of pizza that no other restaurant has. After a while, a more popular restaurant nearby starts serving the same kind of pizza, copying it exactly. Most people might think the bigger restaurant came up with the idea, not realizing it was the smaller one who started it. This shows how sometimes original ideas come from less well-known places and are later taken up by more famous ones. If you use messaging apps, it’s interesting to know where the newest features really start before spreading to the ones you might use more often.