“The deepest experience of the creator is feminine, for it is experience of receiving and bearing.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke
Simplified Meaning:
Creating something new, like art, music, or ideas, can feel a lot like how women receive and nurture life during pregnancy. When someone creates, they often have to take in inspiration and let it grow inside them before they can bring it to light. Just like how a mother carries a baby and then gives birth, a creator must go through a process of holding ideas and developing them until they’re ready to be shared with the world. Think of a writer working on a book. First, they gather different thoughts, experiences, and emotions, and hold these inside, letting them develop into a story. This is like a mother nurturing a baby before it's born. The writer then spends time crafting these thoughts into words and sentences before finally 'giving birth' to the finished book. This creative process shows patience, care, and growth, much like the qualities traditionally associated with femininity. So, in life, we can apply this idea by being open to new ideas, nurturing them with patience, and allowing them the time they need to fully form. By understanding that creation is more about receiving and developing rather than just making something quickly, we can create more meaningful and thoughtful work.