"أعتقد أن الأدلة واضحة الآن. نحن نعيش في عالم مصطنع من معاناة البشر والطغيان التكنوقراطي."
— Ralph Nader
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is saying that in today's world, people are experiencing a lot of unnecessary pain and control because of how societies and technologies are run. Think about a company where the workers are constantly stressed out because they have to work long hours and are monitored all the time by machines. The stress and pressure create suffering that could be avoided if things were different. At the same time, the rules and systems set by those in power—like strict managers or powerful corporations—control people's lives too much, making them feel trapped. To apply this idea, people could push for changes that make workplaces more human-friendly and fight against systems that make life difficult without really needing to. In essence, it encourages looking for ways to reduce unnecessary hardships and resisting mindless control.