"كنت أعاني من عسر القراءة، لم أكن أفهم الواجبات المدرسية على الإطلاق. لقد كنت سأفشل بالتأكيد في اختبارات الذكاء. وكان هذا أحد الأسباب التي جعلتني أترك المدرسة عندما كنت في سن الدراسة. وإذا لم أكن مهتمًا بشيء ما، لا أفهمه."
— Richard Branson
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine a student who struggles a lot with reading and writing compared to others. They find schoolwork really hard and don't understand much of what is taught. This could make them feel like they are not smart, especially if they had to take tests that measure intelligence. Such tests might show low scores because these tests don't reflect their true potential. Because of these difficulties, they might decide to leave school early. Additionally, if the subjects at school don't catch their interest, they find it even harder to learn and remember information. This situation shows that traditional education doesn’t work the same for everyone and that people can be really talented in areas they are passionate about, even if school was tough for them. For example, Richard Branson, a famous entrepreneur, experienced this. He struggled with dyslexia and didn't do well in school. However, he went on to create the Virgin Group and achieve great success because he followed his interests and strengths. This story shows that being curious and finding what you love can help you succeed, even if you faced challenges in school.