"استمر في المضي قدمًا. غالبًا ما تؤدي أصعب الأوقات إلى أعظم لحظات حياتك."
— Roy T. Bennett
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, life gets very difficult, and it feels like things will never get better. However, these tough situations can actually lead to amazing experiences and happy times. For example, imagine a student struggling with a challenging subject in school. They may feel like giving up, but if they keep studying and pushing through, they might end up getting a great grade or even discovering a new passion. This quote is about not giving up when things are tough because overcoming hard times can bring success and joy. It's like climbing a steep mountain; the climb is hard, but the view from the top makes it all worth it. In life, pushing through struggles can lead to wonderful outcomes, so it’s important to stay determined and keep moving forward.