— Rumi
Simplified Meaning:
The quote is saying that everyone has their own way of becoming a better person, and that's perfectly okay. It’s like how some people feel peaceful when they meditate, while others might feel the same peace when they go for a walk, paint, or even play an instrument. There's no one right answer for everyone. Think about how different cultures have different traditions and customs, yet they all aim to promote kindness, respect, and happiness in some way. The important thing is to find what makes you feel clean and good inside, what helps you get rid of negative feelings. You don’t need to fit into someone else's way of doing things; just find what works for you and let it guide you in your life.
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Emotional growth Inner peace Inspiration Life path Mindfulness Personal development Personal journey Philosophy Purification Self-discovery Self-improvement Spiritual growth WisdomFEATURED QUOTES