— Salman Rushdie
Simplified Meaning:
Many important things in life happen when we're not there to see them. Think about a tree growing in a forest. Most of the time, we don’t actually watch the tree grow, but it still gets bigger and stronger every day. Our friends and family also have experiences and changes about which we may not always be aware, yet these events shape their lives. Consider a student who works hard in school. They might not see their grades instantly improve, but over time, their dedication leads to success. Similarly, inventions and ideas can develop and spread without our direct involvement, impacting the world in significant ways. To apply this to your life, remember that it's important to have trust and patience. Understand that you won't always witness important things happening, but they are still significant. So focus on doing your best in what you can manage, and trust that everything else will fall into place even if you don’t always see it happening.