"تحتاج النساء إلى الانتقال من التفكير بأنني لست مستعدة لعمل ذلك إلى التفكير بأنني أريد أن أفعل ذلك وسأتعلم من خلال القيام به"
— Sheryl Sandberg
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes people feel they need to be perfectly prepared before trying something new, but this thinking can hold them back. Instead of waiting to feel completely ready, it's often better to just start and learn along the way. For example, consider someone who wants to start a small business but feels they don't have all the needed skills. If they keep waiting until they feel they are experts, they might never start. But if they begin with what they know and learn the rest as they go, they will gain experience and knowledge by actually doing the work. This approach can help people grow and achieve their goals faster. By embracing the mindset of learning as you go, one can take on challenges more confidently and make progress more quickly.
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Confidence Determination Female leadership Growth mindset Learning by doing Motivation Overcoming fear Personal development Self-belief Women empowerment