"إن الشعور بالأنا الذي ندركه الآن هو بالتالي مجرد بقايا متقلصة من شعور أكثر اتساعًا بكثير."
— Sigmund Freud
Simplified Meaning:
Our current sense of self, or our ego, is a much smaller version of a feeling that used to be much larger and more significant. Think of it like a big, old tree that has been cut down to just a stump. The stump is still there and you can see it, but it's nothing compared to the big tree that once stood in its place. In the past, people might have felt more connected to others and the world around them. Over time, this feeling has diminished, leaving us with only a small piece of what it used to be. For example, little kids often feel like they are the center of the universe and everything is connected. As they grow up, that big feeling of unity gets smaller as they become more focused on themselves and their own lives. To apply this idea to everyday life, think about trying to reconnect with that larger feeling. Spend time with loved ones, appreciate nature, or help others. These actions can help you feel more connected and bring back some of that lost sense of a larger self. This way, you can feel more fulfilled and less isolated.