"في الأصل يشمل الأنا كل شيء، لاحقًا ينفصل عن نفسه العالم الخارجي."
— Sigmund Freud
Simplified Meaning:
When we are born, we don't see ourselves as separate from the world around us. A baby feels connected to everything because they haven't learned the difference between themselves and other things yet. As we grow older, we start to understand that we are our own person, separate from other people and objects in the world. This understanding helps us know what we control and what we don't. Think about a baby reaching for their mom's finger. At first, the baby might not realize the finger is not a part of its own hand. But as the baby grows, it learns the finger is something separate. This knowledge shapes how the child interacts with the world. As adults, recognizing we are separate from others is crucial. It helps us understand our own feelings and actions and how they differ from those of others. This awareness allows us to form our own identity and live independently. Understanding this separation helps us navigate life better, knowing what we can change ourselves and what is just part of the external world.