"Hay dos maneras de ser engañado. Una es creer lo que no es cierto; la otra es negarse a creer lo que es cierto."
— Soren Kierkegaard
Simplified Meaning:
People can make mistakes in two big ways when it comes to understanding things. One way is when they believe something that is not true. For example, if someone told you that eating a lot of candy would make you healthy, and you believed it, you would be making a mistake because that's not true. The other way people can make a mistake is by not believing something that is true. Imagine a weather forecast says it's going to rain, but you decide you don't believe it and leave the house without an umbrella. When it starts to rain, you get wet because you refused to believe the true information. To avoid these mistakes, it's important to think carefully about the information we receive and be open to evidence even if it challenges our beliefs. In real life, this means checking facts and being willing to change your mind when new, reliable information comes your way. By doing this, you can make better decisions and avoid being fooled.