"الجانب السلبي من شهرتي هو أنني لا أستطيع الذهاب إلى أي مكان في العالم دون أن يتم التعرف علي. ليس كافيًا بالنسبة لي أن أرتدي نظارات شمسية داكنة وشعر مستعار. الكرسي المتحرك يكشف أمري."
— Stephen Hawking
Simplified Meaning:
Being famous means people recognize you wherever you go. Even if you try to hide by wearing sunglasses or a disguise, it's not enough. For instance, think about Stephen Hawking, a well-known scientist who used a wheelchair. Even if he wore a hat or a wig, people would still know it’s him because of the wheelchair. This shows that fame can make it hard to blend in or have privacy in public. It’s like wanting to go to a park and relax but always having people come up to you because they know who you are. It can be tiring and make you miss having a normal life.
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