"إذا كنت تحب ما تفعله ولديك الاستعداد للقيام بما يتطلبه الأمر فإنه في متناول يدك وسيكون الأمر يستحق كل دقيقة تقضيها وحدك في الليل وأنت تفكر وتفكر فيما تريد تصميمه أو بنائه."
— steve wozniak
Simplified Meaning:
When you really enjoy the work you do and are prepared to put in the effort needed, achieving your goals becomes possible. For example, think of an artist who loves painting. They spend late nights alone, working on their artwork because they are passionate about creating something beautiful. Even though they could be doing other things, they choose to focus on their craft because it brings them joy and fulfillment. By dedicating time and energy, they eventually create amazing paintings that people admire. The artist doesn’t mind the hard work and late nights because they are doing what they love, and the end result is incredibly rewarding. Anyone can apply this to their life by finding something they are passionate about and being willing to work hard for it. The satisfaction from achieving something you care deeply about makes all the effort worthwhile.