"Savoir quand engager et quand ne pas engager est la clé pour remporter les batailles."
— Sun Tzu
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine a chess game. To win, you need to decide carefully when to move your pieces and when to hold back. If you always move your pieces aggressively, you might end up losing them quickly. Similarly, in life, it’s smart to pick your battles wisely. Sometimes, tackling a problem head-on is the right choice, but other times, it’s better to wait and gather more information. For example, if you have a disagreement with a friend, it might be best to talk about it calmly when both of you are relaxed, rather than arguing when emotions are high. By thinking about the right time to act and when to stay calm, you are more likely to achieve your goals efficiently.
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Conflict resolution Decision-making Engagement Military strategy Self-restraint Strategy Success Tactics Timing WisdomFEATURED QUOTES