"Il y a des routes qui ne doivent pas être suivies, des armées qui ne doivent pas être attaquées, des villes qui ne doivent pas être assiégées, des positions qui ne doivent pas être contestées, des ordres du souverain qui ne doivent pas être obéis."
— Sun Tzu
Simplified Meaning:
Not all actions are wise or necessary. Sometimes, it's best to avoid certain paths or decisions. For example, consider a peaceful protest. While it might seem brave to confront heavily armed forces head-on, doing so could lead to unnecessary harm and conflict. Instead, finding alternative ways to make a statement, like through negotiation or peaceful demonstrations, can be more effective and safer. In history, during World War II, there were strategic places that military leaders chose not to attack because the risk and potential loss outweighed the benefits. This kind of strategic thinking can be applied in daily life as well. Not every command from an authority figure should be followed blindly if it leads to injustice or harm. It's important to think critically about our actions and their consequences, choosing our battles wisely and standing up for what's right when necessary. By evaluating situations carefully, we can make better decisions that protect ourselves and others, while still achieving our goals. This thoughtful approach can help us navigate complex situations, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and promote more meaningful and sustainable progress.