"أنا لا أثق بأولئك الأشخاص الذين يعرفون جيدًا ما يريده الله منهم لأنني ألاحظ دائمًا أن ذلك يتوافق مع رغباتهم الخاصة."
— Susan B. Anthony
Simplified Meaning:
When people say they are certain about what God wants them to do, it's often suspicious because what they say God wants usually matches what they personally desire. Imagine a kid who really wants to skip chores and instead claims that their parent would be fine with it—it's hard to trust their claim since it's exactly what the kid wants. In history, powerful leaders sometimes claimed that they were chosen by God to rule, but this conveniently worked out well for them. It's wise to be cautious of such claims because the person might just be using it to get what they want. Instead of blindly believing them, we should think critically and look for unbiased reasons. It's like checking if someone has a good reason for their actions instead of just taking their word for it.