“If you express yourself too much and give it all away when you’re young, you’re never going to have the hunger to take it to that next level”
— Sylvester Stallone
Simplified Meaning:
When you're young, if you share everything you think and feel too openly, you might lose the drive to keep improving. Think of it like having a big plate of your favorite food. If you eat everything at once, there's nothing left to enjoy later, and you might feel too full to want more. In life, if you reveal all your ideas and emotions too early, you might not feel the need to push yourself to grow or do better. Imagine an artist who shows all their work to the public before it's fully developed. They may receive praise, but they haven't saved anything special for later to show their progress. Or think about a student who tells all their secrets and dreams without holding anything back. Later, they might not feel motivated to achieve new goals because they've already shared everything important to them. To apply this idea, keep some thoughts and ambitions private, so you always have something to strive for and keep your passion alive.