"Espero que mi mamá me perdone por las veces que he mentido"
— Sza
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about feeling regret and wanting forgiveness from one's mother for having lied in the past. It shows that the person knows they've made mistakes and wishes they hadn't. It's a way of admitting that they weren't honest before and now realize it was wrong. Imagine a child who once stole a cookie from the jar and lied to their mom about it. Later, the child feels bad for not telling the truth and hopes their mom can forgive them for that lie. This quote is similar—it's about hoping to heal the relationship with their mom by being sorry for those lies. In life, everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes we aren't honest with the people we love. It's important to recognize when we've done wrong and seek forgiveness to move forward. By being honest and asking for forgiveness, we can strengthen our relationships and show that we've grown from our past actions.