"Je n'appartiens à personne j'espère que ça ne te dérange pas"
— Sza
Simplified Meaning:
This quote means that a person feels free and independent, not tied down or controlled by anyone else. For example, think about a bird flying in the sky. The bird can go wherever it wants and isn't kept in a cage. This person is saying they are like that bird; they want to make their own choices without being told what to do. They hope that others understand and accept this about them, not feeling upset or offended by it. In everyday life, someone might use this idea when they decide to follow their own path, such as choosing a career that their parents didn't expect. They are saying, "I need to do what feels right for me, even if you didn't plan this for me." The advice here is to be true to yourself and not let others dictate your actions. By embracing your own freedom and making decisions that make you happy, you can live a more fulfilling and authentic life.